Keeping Fit at Home

What a world we are living in!

Working from home, completing online courses, home-schooling your children, with all of the above, this extended time at home may not fit seamlessly into your old routines of exercising regularly. However, creating time for physical activity may help you maintain a variation of your pre-lock down routine, and a bit of normalcy. Or perhaps it’s time to tackle that long-standing New Year’s resolution of exercising more.

No matter what the reason, regular exercise is great for helping to ease anxiety and depression, and it can also help improve concentration and is inducive to better sleep.

Keeping fit may look different at the moment, you may not be able to hit the gym with your new Hype Activewear. Nonetheless, there are plenty of micro workouts that fit in perfectly with being at home when you have little equipment.

Working out at home

Firstly, it’s important to set yourself a small, attainable and measurable goal, whether it be how many squats you do in between work meetings or how many micro workouts per week you‘d like to achieve.

Setting a goal gives you a target to work towards and may help to solidify your new routine.

Where to start

The internet is full of inspiration and tutorials, whether you try out a fitness app like FitOn that offers a selection of home workouts by celebrity trainers, or perhaps take a dive into YouTube free workout clips.

We recommend finding something that suits your needs, you will be more inclined to keep it up if you enjoy what you’re doing. It doesn’t need to be a chore!

Back to basics

Jumping jacks, running on the spot, jump rope, planks, squats and push ups.

Follow along with an online circuit app or create your own little circuit - these exercises will all lend their hand to working out at home, and they’re attainable for most.

The great thing about going back to basics is the ability to build up your reps as you feel more comfortable, and the possibility of getting the kids or pets involved in your workout.

Listen to your body

Everyone has their own requirements, between age, ailments, space and equipment. These factors should all be considered; workouts are not a one size fits all.

Start slow and listen to your body. Full body workouts help to get the blood flowing and gives you an even work out, limiting stress to one particular area.

So, whether you prefer dancing, aerobics, yoga, circuits or strength activities, there’s always a way to incorporate a micro workout in between your daily tasks. Trying to fit these in might make a world of difference to how you feel at the end of the day - perhaps you can even get your friends to join in and do a workout together via video!