The Audiences Impacted by Your Uniform

Choosing a uniform – regardless of the size of your business – comes with many considerations. Who will wear the uniform?

The Audiences Impacted by Your Uniform

Choosing a uniform – regardless of the size of your business – comes with many considerations. Who will wear the uniform? What financial impact will purchasing uniforms have on your business? Is it something worth investing in? One question we fail to ask, though, is who will be impacted by your uniform?

A uniform isn’t just convenient for your team members or a way to look nice to others. It goes a lot deeper than that. There is a range of audiences that take notice of your uniform. How you and your team dress have varying impacts – all positive - on each audience you’re associated with.

When it comes to your uniform, here is how each group interacts and is influenced by what you wear.

Your clients or customers
The first (and probably most important) audience impacted by your uniform is your clients or customers. Wearing a branded uniform is a fantastic marketing tool for businesses. When you invest in a quality, branded uniform for your team, you’re essentially turning them into walking billboards!

Whether they’re on the train home or waiting in line for their afternoon coffee, your brand logo will be on display. This not only strengthens your brand image, but a quality uniform can also make a great first impression.

If you’re having trouble thinking about why or how your uniform impacts your customers, think back to a time when you’ve been a customer looking at someone’s uniform. For example, if you were meeting with a lawyer who was wearing messy casual clothes and looking a little unprofessional (rather than wearing a neat suit or smart casual clothing). It’s likely that you’d feel a little suspicious about whether they are to be trusted or not.

When employees look like they are taking pride in their business, it gives the consumer confidence in their competency.

What your clients or customers are looking for in a uniform?

  • Recognisable brands
  • Credibility
  • Unity and cohesion
  • An approachable, friendly look

Your team
Secondly – your team. Believe it or not, your team members are one of the most significant audiences impacted by your uniform. When it comes to deciding whether you should invest in a uniform, there are plenty of statistics that show employee perspectives.

Some of these statistics around why staff members like wearing a uniform to work are:

  • 70% like that they don’t have to think about what to wear every day
  • 62% like that they don’t have to buy other clothes for work
  • 56% believe that it’s more practical for the job
  • 51% state that they are easily recognisable

Some other benefits of staff uniforms include:

  • Boosts team morale.
  • Builds a sense of unity.
  • A sustainable alternative to workers needing multiple outfits.
  • An increase in productivity as the uniform imparts a professional mindset in workers.

What do your employees want?

Now that you’re aware of some of the benefits of having a uniform, here is what your team want in theirs:

  • Comfortable and easy to wear.
  • Flattering for a variety of body shapes.
  • Modesty and practicality.
  • A contemporary style they can take pride in wearing.

The general public

Next, we have everyone that will see your uniform at some stage. You never know where your next client is going to come from, so having a professionally branded uniform can be the difference between a sale and someone going to your competitors. Familiar uniforms (and brands) that are regularly seen in public present a unified and trustworthy front to this audience.

While it’s important to invest in a flattering uniform for your employees, it’s also essential to invest in one that will resonate with the public.

What does the general public look for in a uniform?

  • A brand that is easy to recognise (your brand colours, logo, etc.).
  • Staff that look approachable.
  • Confidence and reassurance from employees.

Your competitors

While your competitors may be an audience you aren’t expecting to be affected by your uniform, they definitely are. We’re sure you’ve looked at your competitor’s uniform – whether consciously or subconsciously – and had an opinion about it (for example, “wow, their uniforms make them look sloppy” or “I like the professionalism of what they’re wearing”). Our minds often tell us that professionalism equals success. This means that businesses dressed sharply are more likely to cement themselves in your mind as successful than those who aren’t (think back to the lawyer example).  

Mirror the successful qualities you see in a competitor’s uniform in your own and create a successful brand identity for your company.

Are you looking to appear as a threat to competitors?

If you’re looking to give your competitors a run for their money, here are some tips:

  • Create a progressive design.
  • Invest in high-quality materials.
  • Create a hybrid wardrobe for staff that gives them an outfit for every season.
  • Make it easy to identify your brand.

Potential investors

Lastly, your uniform will significantly impact those investing in your business and future investors. These investors will want to see where their hard-earned money is going, so show them that your business is professional and well worth the investment. Some things you may like to consider include the following:

  • Is the business running smoothly?
  • Is the office unified?
  • Is the company branding clear?
  • Are customers and clients happy?

While seemingly obvious, these are all important points – especially when an investor makes a surprise visit to your work – and you want to ensure your employees are always making a good impression.

What do investors want from your uniform?

  • Professional, neatly dressed staff.
  • A well-branded design.
  • Flattering cuts and shapes that make the workplace look its best.
  • Content employees.

You aren’t the only one that will be impacted by your staff’s uniform. In fact, five key audiences are directly affected. This includes customers or clients who see your business as having potential when looking up competitors and the investors who are putting in their hard-earned money. Leave a lasting impression on all audiences with Fashion Biz Canada. View our range today.