Upcycling: How to Do it and Easy DIY Projects

The latest trend tradies and DIY’ers alike are jumping on is upcycling. Upcycling is the opportunity to upcycle trash and turn it into a new product or treasure! Many people scour op shops and garage sales for hidden gems – an old dressing table that’s missing a few handles or even moving pallets that are being thrown out.

If you’re new or experienced with your tools, check out our tips on how to upcycle and some of the many benefits associated with it.

Preparation is key

If you’re a pretty handy person, there’s a good chance you’ll choose to ‘wing it.’ Our advice? Don’t! When it comes to upcycling, the preparation you do before each project is crucial. Carefully wash the item (or items), being sure to get rid of cobwebs, dust, or anything that will show up when you paint. Might be good to sand things down, remove rusted nails or sharp edges?

Sometimes the excitement of getting a job done means we tend to rush it. Make sure you take your time – minimising the risk of error.

Get creative

One of the most important things about upcycling is getting creative! There are no rules on what you can or can’t do, giving you free rein on what you create. Innovative ideas can provide a new purpose to something that would have otherwise been discarded. Old ladders make great places to display plants, and old washing machine drums make great outdoor plant pots. The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can create.

Be as thrifty as possible

Upcycling is all about being thrifty and finding the potential in old, worn pieces. If you’re walking down the street or through your favourite homeware stores and see something you like, chances are you can thrift something similar and create it yourself – which is much more rewarding than buying it from the store! Have a look in your local charity shop, car boot sale, or second-hand sites like Gumtree or eBay for diamonds in the rough. You might even find hidden gems in your grandparent’s attic! Paint and imagination can bring a piece to life at a fraction of the price of what it is in store.

Don’t be stingy with paint brushes

One thing you shouldn’t skimp on is paintbrushes. If you’re trying to make quality pieces (especially if they’re going to be on display somewhere), you want to make sure they look the part! This means purchasing good quality paint brushes for any painting you do. Cheap ones often leave bristles in your work and don’t give you good coverage. In between coats, wrap your brushes and rollers in tin foil or cling wrap to keep the brush moist. Clean each brush straight away when you finish painting or waxing.

Collect old socks and rags

Before you toss out the sock you can’t find a pair for or that shirt that’s full of holes, add them to your upcycling kit. Old socks or items of clothing come in handy for cleaning, polishing, and waxing your projects. Make sure they’re not too rough or fluffy, as any loose fibres will stick to the wax.

Remove drawer handles first

This tip is a great one! Before you complete any painting or varnishing, remove the door or drawer handles. By doing this, you’re making sure to paint the whole area and not just the sections visible while the handles are on. Too many times, we paint around the handles, only to later remove them to install new ones which are a lot smaller (therefore leaving unpainted sections).

Protect your work

There’s no point in making a great piece if you don’t take the correct steps to protect it! Find out what your project needs to allow for longevity. Adding some coats of wax, varnish, or even fabric protectors (for chairs and couches) will help to protect your newest piece.

Have fun

Last but not least – have fun! We know it sounds cliché, but it’s true. Tradies often get roped into building things by their mates, and after spending every day on the tools, the novelty of creating something for themselves has usually worn off. If you are creating upcycled pieces, make sure you’re doing it because you want to – not because you have to.

What are the benefits of upcycling?

Apart from being a fun hobby, upcycling has many benefits. Some of these benefits include:

Saving materials from landfills and reducing what goes in

One of the main benefits of upcycling is its impact on the environment. By reusing materials and restoring discarded items, you’re saving these materials from ending up in landfills. We’ve become so used to things being mass-manufactured and made in a heartbeat that we buy things as quickly as we throw things away. Sadly, there’s becoming less and less room on our planet for the amount of trash being added to landfills, and we need to do something about it!

Minimal use of natural resources

Another environmentally friendly benefit of upcycling is the use of natural resources it takes. As you’re using pre-existing things, there are no new raw materials in the production process. With the planet running dangerously low on natural resources, it’s a huge help when people use old items to create new items.

Produces one-of-a-kind items

Because you’re making something over or adding your own touch to it, your project will always be one-of-a-kind. With so many things being mass-produced, it’s rare that you’ll ever own something that’s not already sitting in someone else’s house. Making your own piece is also a great talking point for house guests!

Encourages creativity and innovation

Upcycling is a great way to encourage creativity and innovation. Taking on a new project means you get to unlock the creative part of your brain that you may not always need. When you’re at work, you’re often given instructions or a blueprint you need to follow. When creating your own piece, everything is up to you.

If you’re considering getting into upcycling, or are already a seasoned DIY’er, make sure you head to your closest Syzmik stockist for the workwear to suit your next project.