Working From Home: To Dress Up or Dress Down?

The global pandemic turned the world on its head three years ago. As the world was thrown into chaos, our jobs were too, with many of us being forced to work from home.

Working From Home: To Dress Up or Dress Down?

The global pandemic turned the world on its head three years ago. As the world was thrown into chaos, our jobs were too, with many of us being forced to work from home. As our work setting changed, so too did our wardrobes. Slacks were swapped out for pyjama pants and crisp shirts for baggy jumpers. Comfort was key when it came to working from home.

As restrictions are lifted, workers are finally heading back to the office and returning to a ‘new normal.’ However, some businesses have continued to permit flexible working arrangements for staff, allowing them to continue to work from home. When working from home – especially if it’s a hybrid, part-time arrangement – you might feel a little perplexed about what to wear. Are pyjama bottoms still acceptable? Do you have to wear full office attire at home? Let’s look into whether you should dress up or down when working from home.

Why you shouldn’t wear pj’s when working from your home office

Clothing can affect your mood and motivation

Believe it or not, clothing can affect how you think and feel, with studies showing that it can impact our mood and even how we work. When you get dressed in the morning, putting on an outfit that you like makes you feel happier and more confident for the day ahead. Feeling confident in your appearance is crucial because appearances matter whether we like it or not. Not only do we judge others on how they present themselves, but we also judge ourselves. For this reason, you must drive a message to your brain that you are professional and competent.

Getting dressed signals to your brain that it’s time to work

What you wear can either help or hurt your productivity—putting on your work clothes signals to your brain that it’s time to leave ‘sleep’ mode and enter ‘work’ mode. Different clothes we own send different signals to our brains. For example, your pyjamas tell your mind that you’re relaxing, and activewear tells your brain that it’s time to exercise. Wearing non-comfort clothes at home tells your brain that it’s time to work. It doesn’t even have to be something smart-casual, as long as you dress the part of someone who isn’t playing the role of the couch potato! Organise your outfits the night before so that you can choose comfortable, professional garments to keep your motivation and productivity rolling throughout the day.

It separates your ‘work life’ from your ‘home life’

One of the most challenging aspects of working from home is the inability to put barriers in place to manage work and life. As your workplace and your study/dining table/couch merge into one location, the blurring between home and work life becomes more and more difficult. Setting boundaries is crucial to ensure you’re not combining work and play. This includes clocking off on time and not doing excessive overtime. However, it goes the other way: working from home shouldn’t be a chance to do the dishes or vacuum the floors. Set alarms and check in with a colleague to make sure you’re keeping yourself accountable for the work (or lack of!) that you’re doing.

It helps with routine and a sense of normalcy

Having a routine (which includes getting dressed for work) helps us maintain a sense of control in times when we feel a lack of it. With a ‘new normal’ now in place, we need to find what we feel is the best balance for us and mould it into a workable routine. Things we took for granted, such as having a shower in the morning and getting dressed for work. If you’re working from home part-time or permanently, keeping this routine will allow you to hold on to a sense of normalcy throughout your day.

What should you wear instead?

Keep it casual but put-together

Working from home means you don’t need to go all-out as you do in the office. However, it’s essential to keep an element of professionalism throughout your working day. Choose something to wear that makes you feel comfortable, productive, and good about yourself.

For something professional, casual, and comfortable, check out our Chloe Georgette shirt dress.

Choose something you’d leave the house in

Ok, we know that you might be happy to leave the house in your pyjamas, but that doesn’t mean you should! When choosing something to wear when working from home, think about what you would be happy to go down to your local café or another place you might bump into someone you recognise. Steer away from activewear, though – while it may be ridiculously comfy and easy to wear out in public, activewear signals to your brain that it’s time to work out rather than get into a working headspace. This includes wearing proper shoes instead of Ugg boots or slippers.

For something you’d leave the house in, check out our Charlie shirts.

Dress to your mood

If you usually have a dress code to adhere to, working from home can give you some freedom to explore how you dress for work. Make the most of not needing to wear a uniform by expressing yourself through your own personal style. Experiment with colours to match your mood. Shades like red, yellow, and orange represent activity and energy, while blue, green and purple give off a more relaxed vibe.

For something with a pop of colour, check out our Kayla V-neck pleat blouse.

Go for something soft and loose-fitting

Flowy, loose-fitting clothes are your best friend when working from home. You may not have the same ergonomic setup at home as you did in the office, so it’s important to dress comfortably. Think lowers with elastic waists, floaty tops, loose knits, and polo shirts.

For something loose-fitting, check out our Aria fluted sleeve blouse.

Change after work

Lastly, just like you would if you were working from the office, change out of your work clothes when you clock off. Doing so will tell your brain to exit ‘work mode’ and enter ‘relax mode.’ Changing also includes packing away any work-related items like laptops and notebooks. This will help with boundaries between work and home life.

Working from home part-time or permanently can make dressing for work difficult, but it’s important not to wear pyjamas or tracksuits, as doing so signals your brain to relax. For a range of working from home options, head into your closest Biz Corporates stockist today.